No card fees. Better exchange rates. No bull$h!7.
A simpler place for your money.
Why indó?
It shouldn't cost you to use your money.
No card fees.
No card fees.
Special transaction fees is how banks charge you for using your own money. With us your transactions are free, the way it should have always been.
We help you save with all kinds of savings tips and tricks
Have fun saving money.
More fun to save.
We call our savings account Savings Jars simply because they're so much more fun than regular savings accounts. You can customize the appearance of your jar, change the name and add an image, e.g. of what you are saving for. You can also set goals and activate all kinds of savings tricks so you can save without really noticing.
The cheapest cup of coffee abroad.
No extra markup when traveling.
No extra markup when traveling.
When you're sipping a cappuccino in Italy or enjoying an ice cream in the Canaries you're paying less than your fellow traveler, because we don't charge you more for currency than we pay for it ourselves.
Finally a new option for your money.
Take part in shaping indó.
Take part in shaping indó.
Take part in a community of people who want to create a completely new option for people in Iceland to store and use their money and shape a modern banking service. Everyone needs banking, we just don't need the old banks anymore to get it.