Share registry
As per Paragraph 4 Article 19 of Legislation 161/2002, we are required to disclose on our website the names and relative shareholdings of all entities who own more than 1% of shares at any given time.
If an owner of more than 1% of outstanding shares is a legal entity, we also disclose who are the beneficial owners thereof (i.e. an individual or individuals who have more than 10% of shareholdings of the legal entity, or an ownership interest that enables the individual or individuals to significantly influence the operations).
An overview of the beneficial ownership is based on the Icelandic Corporate Registry, SEC, Canada Share Registry and UK Share Registry.
Indo updates this information within 4 days of any changes announced.
Indo ownership is as follows:
Shareholder | Ownership | Corporate Registry |
Tryggvi Björn Davíðsson | 13.95% | |
Gnitanes ehf. | 11.50% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Haukur Skúlason | 9.34% | |
Omega ehf. | 6.67% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Ueno ehf. | 6.25% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Adira ehf. | 5.81% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
FnF ehf. | 5.54% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Pegá ehf. | 5.33% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Iceland Venture Studios ehf. | 3.68% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
IN Fund I a, a series of Erist Venture Syndicate LP | 2.69% | SEC |
Consultum ehf. | 2.64% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Ólafur Örn Guðmundsson | 2.41% | |
Sölvi Páll Ásgeirsson | 2.11% | |
Iceland Venture Studio FUND II - Founders ventures ehf. | 2.02% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Steinar Hugi Sigurðarson | 1.98% | |
Gemelli Capital Ltd. | 1.57% | GOV.UK |
Sigurgeir Örn Jónsson | 1.52% | |
Nataaqnaq Fisheries Inc. Ehf. | 1.37% | IC.GC.CA |
Þór Adam Rúnarsson | 1.32% | |
Einar Björgvin Eiðsson | 1.12% | |
Vidici Fund II AB | 1.12% | |
Yoga Capital ehf. | 1.06% | Icelandic Corporate Registry |
Hildur Arna Hjartardóttir | 1.02% | |
Samtals aðrir 26 hluthafar með undir 1,0% hlutafjár | 7.98% |